Stew Corbett's Blog

Posts Tagged ‘responsible choices

Dummie Dorge drums up awareness.

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By: Stew Corbett

Mitch Dorge from the Crash Test Dummies listens to an up-and-coming drummer. (Photo by Stew Corbett.)

Mitch Dorge, drummer for the Canadian band Crash Test Dummies, was at Bliss Carman Middle School in Fredericton Thursday night giving a presentation on making responsible choices with different substances.

After the Crash Test Dummies went on hiatus in 2001, Dorge started building a program aimed at inspiring people to go out and pursue something they were interested in and he soon realized he had a knack for dealing with young kids. Other people noticed his abilities and asked him to spread the good word.

“People started coming to me and asking ‘Do you think you can incorporate some messaging about drinking and driving?’” said Dorge.

Dorge uses his unconventional and positive methods to inform youth of what drugs and alcohol are and what they can do. Dorge believes that youth being educated about such substances using death as an absolute will become confused when they face reality. Read the rest of this entry »

Written by stewfromstu

March 11, 2010 at 16:58